Dr. Alfredo Adán

11 de January de 2023
Pars planitis is an inflammation of a specific part of the eye called the pars plana, located in the most peripheral part of the retina. With very typical clinical signs, it is common to suffer from it in childhood. About prognosis and treatment options we spoke with Dr. Alfredo Adan, specialist in uveitis at visiõnclinic+.
23 de May de 2022
OCT is an imaging diagnostic technique that, in recent years, has become essential in ophthalmology clinics thanks to its countless advantages. It is simple, non-invasive and facilitates the control and monitoring of any retinal disease. If you suffer from glaucoma or uveitis, surely you have heard of it. If not, Dr Alfredo Adán, director of visiõnclinic+ explains you.


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