New international guidelines on the use of OCT in the diagnosis of uveitis

Dr Alfredo Adán has participated in an international group of experts in order to develop consensus guidelines and recommendations on the value of Optic Coherence Tomography (OCT) angiography in uveitis. OCT angiography is a new diagnostic modality that allows, in a few minutes, the capture of images that can be of great help for diagnosis, therapeutic decision-making and monitoring of uveitis.

The diabetic retinopathy, theage-related macular degenerationandglaucoma carry frequent diagnoses in ophthalmology. All these diseases have in common a deficit in circulation at the level of the choroid, retina and/or optic nerve. The evaluation of the circulation in the posterior pole of the ocular globe is critical in the clinical assessment in patients with these pathologies. Having a non-invasive, fast, precise, and risk-free technique to assess circulation in these structures would be of great help for their understanding, diagnosis, and treatment.

OCT-A, a new diagnostic technique for uveitis

Until recently, sodium fluorescein angiography (FA or RFG) was the technique of choice for the study of abnormalities in the circulation of the posterior pole of the eyeball. This is an invasive study where it is necessary to inject a contrast medium (sodium fluorescein) into the patient’s circulation, with the rare but disturbing concern that an anaphylactic reaction may occur.

On the other hand, OCT-A (optical coherence tomography angiography), is a new method that provides high-resolution angiographic images of the choroidal and retinal circulation Visualization of intravascular flow by OCT-A is obtained without the dynamics of a dye. A new interpretation of the images is constituted from diagnostic parameters of vascular defects. This new technique requires careful study and comparison with PA, which is the method that so far provides more information.

International expert committee on uveitis

Dr. Alfredo Adán, director of Clínic Institute of Ophthalmology and visiõnclínic+,has participated together with a panel of international experts in a study that establishes consensus recommendations on the value of OCT-A in uveitis, useful for its use in clinical care and clinical trials. In total, 17specialists in uveitisand retinalimagingformed the executive committee, which conclusions have recently been published in theBritish Journal of Ophthalmology.. It is one of the most prestigious journals in Ophthalmology.



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